Brand Concept
SSS stands for Saturday Sunday Surfer and means weekend surfers. SSS proposes a new lifestyle for surfers living based in the city. Meet SSS's various products that contain the relaxation of surfers and the busyness of the city.
SSS, an online shopping mall-based surfing store, sells a variety of surfing products, design products, and cosmetics. SSS's unique product, which will optimize the surfing experience of weekend surfers, offers not only excellent functionality but also an nonstopable surfing experience. Feel the waves that do not stop at home, at school, at work.
① SSS is short for Saturday Sunday Surfer, which means weekend surfer. SSS proposes a new lifestyle for city-based surfers. SSS combines the laid-back attitude of a surfer with the hustle and bustle of the city. Feel the non-stop waves at work, school, and home.
② Weekend surfers are stuck in the city all week to surf. On weekends, they want to escape to the ocean, but Seoul and Yangyang are three hours away each way, making traveling inconvenient and exhausting. There is a need for a new surf culture that is differentiated from the existing surfing lifestyle based on overseas surfers living by the sea.
'SSS Apparel' makes weekend surfing fun
We sell apparel for weekend surfers living in the city. Matching both the bustling city center and the vibrant ocean, SSS Apparel allows you to experience non-stop waves in your daily life.

'Surf Cluber' builds Korean surfing culture
We run a variety of surf clubs within the SSS community. You only need to have a few things in common to start a club, from your tastes to your favorite wave size. The club feature called Surf Cluber was created to build a Korean-style surfing culture, where we don't just accept foreign cultures, but find our own commonalities and make them our own.